Sunday 28 July 2013

Malay Races at Sarawak (sarawak dialect)

Sarawak Malay community simply does not have much difference as the Malay community in Malaysia. They also practice Malay customs and heritage as celebrate Eid, fasting during Ramadan, and the crown of the scissors(majlis cukur jambul). Bahasa Sarawak formation has a pretty significant difference compared to Bahasa Malaysia. In fact, most West Malaysian do not understand Sarawakian conversation. Sabahan dialect is very much different from Bahasa Sarawak too and Sabahan dialect is not a language. It is only an accent which was influenced by Tagalog. But, there is one similar word that has been used by both Sabahan and Sarawakian "Bah". It is used to stress a sentence.
For example : Don't do like that, it means "Iboh polah kedak ya bah." It is similar usage of "lah" in Singlish.
For example : Don't do like that 'lah'. Some Sarawakian Malay dialect have a similar pronunciation in certain district of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia for example :Serai>serei .Kedai>kedei. The pronunciation of 'R' in certain district of Perak have a similar vowel. Some Sarawakian Malay verbs have a strong vowel pronounce in R or K, for example : Kena>Kenak, Air>aik, Beri>berik.

English          Bahasa Malaysia       Bahasa Sarawak
Sweeping                  Menyapu                       Nyapu
Coconut                  Kelapa                        Nyior
More                   Lagi                 lagik/ Agik/Gik
Road             Jalan Raya                        Jeraya
Clever                Pandai                       Pandei
Teach               Mengajar                         Ngaja
Yes                            Ya                          aok
Cat                        Kucing                        Pusak
Chicken                  Ayam                        Manok

Sarawakian dialect is a common language used by natives in Sarawak. This dialect somewhat related to Bruneian Malay and the Pontianak Malay which is spoken in the neighbouring West Kalimantan province in Indonesia.It is quite similar to the Ibanic Languages compare to Peninsular Malay language. These are some simple examples of Sarawakian dialect:

  • pakai - pakei
  • ayam - manuk
  • tak - si/sik
  • ya - aok
Most of the words used in Bahasa Sarawak nowadays are influenced by many languages such as English. These are words that came from English that have been modified according to the local accent:
  • Carpet - Kapet
  • Punctured - Pancet
  • Handphone- Henpon
  • Motor- Moto
There are also other accent/ dialect of Bahasa Sarawak which is known as Bahasa Laut (Sea Language.) Most of the words that are spoken ended with the vowel o. E.g.:

English   Bahasa Sarawak Bahasa Laut
What           Nakpa               Nakpo
you Kau/          Kitak               Au/ Itak
Like that         Kedak ya                Pia

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